St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences (SJNAHS) is a self-financing private Institution. St. John’s Medical College, Bengaluru established in 1963 by the CBCI with the aim of training healthcare personnel committed to serving the poor in the margins, was dedicated as a memorial of the XXXVIII International Eucharistic Congress held in Bombay in 1964 and named after St. John the Baptist, the Patron of Pope John XXIII, who was an ardent supporter of this initiative of the Catholic Church in India.
Course Information
- Class Start: 2024-02-14
- Course Duration: 4 Year
- Student Capacity: Max 300 Students
- Class Time: 20:48am To22:48pm
Course Reviews
Average Rating:4.6
5 Stars24
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3 Stars2
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1 Star0
St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences (SJNAHS) is a self-financing private Institution. St. John’s Medical College, Bengaluru established in 1963 by the CBCI with the aim of training healthcare personnel committed to serving the poor in the margins, was dedicated as a memorial of the XXXVIII International Eucharistic Congress held in Bombay in 1964 and named after St. John the Baptist, the Patron of Pope John XXIII, who was an ardent supporter of this initiative of the Catholic Church in India.
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