World Institute of Technology(WIT), Sohna , Gurgaon, was established in 2007. WIT has the reputation of being one of the premier engineering college for imparting quality education in Engineering & Technology which is located in the city beautiful Sohna. WIT, Sohna, Gurgaon , is affiliated to Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU), Rohtak, Haryana and Haryana State Board Technical Education(HSBTE), Panchkula, and approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), ministry of HRD, Government, of India, New Delhi.
Course Information
- Class Start: 2024-02-07
- Course Duration: 4 Year
- Student Capacity: Max 300 Students
- Class Time: 12:26am To14:26pm
Course Reviews
Average Rating:4.6
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WIT is well known for its huge infrastructure and state of the art facilities. It is also known as Green Campus because it has a unique environment friendly & energy efficient building with fabulous architecture, lush verdant woods and landscape gardens that provide an idyllic academic environment to our students. WIT offers B.E. (Bachelor of Engineering) courses in four streams i.e. . Electronics &Communication; Engineering(60), Computer Science & Engineering(120), Mechanical Engineering(60) and Civil Engineering(60) and Master of Technology in Electronics and communication Engineering(18). WIT also offer Diploma and management course i.e. Civil Engineering (60) and mechanical Engineering (60), Bachelor of Business Administrative BBA60).@
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