GWP Patna - Government Womens Polytechnic, Patna
Government Women’s Polytechnic, GWP Patna is a full-fledged Govt. Institution in the Deptt. of Science & Technology, Govt. of Bihar and is bound to function as such. However in Academic and related areas it has to be responsive and participants in the decisions and deliberations of All India Council for Technical Education and other apex bodies like Indian School for Technical Education, Technical Teachers Training Institutes etc. ensuring innovations in Pedagogical and practical aspects of Technical Education. The Administration and Management of the Institute are oriented to these ends too.@Though the Principal is the overall in-charge of all activities and movements of the Institute for smooth functioning and making administration work efficient the following service departments work each under a Professor of proven capability.
GWP Patna is a full-fledged Govt. Institution in the Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of Bihar and is bound to function as such. However in Academic and related areas it has to be responsive and participants in the decisions and deliberations of All India Council for Technical Education and other apex bodies like Indian School for Technical Education, Technical Teachers Training Institutes etc. ensuring innovations in Pedagogical and practical aspects of Technical Education. The Administration and Management of the Institute are oriented to these ends too.
Course Information
- Class Start: 2024-01-14
- Course Duration: 2 Year
- Student Capacity: Max 400 Students
- Class Time: 17:08am To20:08pm
Course Reviews
Average Rating:4.6
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3 Stars2
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The institution was established in the year 1984-85 vide Govt. notification 4202 dated 12-10-1984, under Deptt. of Science & Technology, Govt. of Bihar, with the objective of enhancing the women’s participation in technical education and improving the quality education according to the modern updated standards, globally accepted worldwide.
Railway Station: