Katihar Medical College
The Kosi region in the north of the state of Bihar which is spread over two divisions of Purnea and Saharsa suffers from the lack of development of road, power, education and medical facilities. Extreme economic backwardness tells upon health, education and culture of the people of this region. Meritorious students of the region in general and Muslim youths in particular can ill afford to go out side for medical, technical and other professional education. Moreover, the ailing people of the area had to go to distant places e.g. Patna, Darbhanga and Bhagalpur Medical Colleges for specialized treatment, which is beyond the means and reach of the common people
In view of the aforesaid facts, there has always been a crying need of a Medical College and Hospital in this part of Bihar having about 40% Muslim population mostly below poverty line. To meet this demand of the community the Al-Karim Education Trust, Patna under the provisions of Art. 30 (i) of the Constitution of India sponsored and established the Katihar Medical College in 1987. The college celebrated its Silver Jubilee in October 2012.
Course Information
- Class Start: 2024-01-07
- Course Duration: 5 Year
- Student Capacity: Max 100 Students
- Class Time: 12:30am To14:30pm
Course Reviews
Average Rating:4.6
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The parent body of Katihar Medical College is a registered trust of the members of the Muslim religious minority community devoted to the promotion of education, research and information dissemination among Muslim minority community as well as general students. The Trust has also been established for the benefit of the poor and weaker section of the community specially to ameliorate their educational and economic backwardness and poor health care. It shall further undertake and pursue advancement of other aims and objectives of public utility in which the Muslim population is interested, to serve the nation and humanity in a better way.
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